We Know What Parents Want. Experienced, Pediatric Medical Care. Science-Based. Tech-Friendly. Compassion-Always.

Here you’ll find greater vaccine flexibility and scheduling for parents who need more time or more information about their safety and efficacy.

Here Your Child Will Have No Risk of Exposure to Other Children, Who Might Be Sick in Our Waiting Area. Ever.

We’re here to make you better.

Many Parents Like to Research Their Child’s Condition and Treatment

to find useful resources on the internet. We want our patients to be intelligent, efficient users of the internet for health information. You might find these sites helpful.

BeWell in School.

Healthy Children

A free internet search tool for patients provided by ICON Pediatrics

We Continually Seek New Levels
of Convenience and Personal Care.

We’d much appreciate hearing what’s important to you!

Welcome to ICON Pediatrics.

This level of concierge care and
accessibility is rare indeed.